

1bit;tern pronunciation: function: noun etymology: middle english bitoure, from anglo-french butor, from vulgar latin *butitaurus, from latin buteo hawk + taurus bulldate: 1515 : any of various small or medium-sized usually secretive herons (especially genera botaurus and ixobrychus)



dis;plode pronunciation: function: verb inflected form(s): dis;plod;ed; dis;plod;ingetymology: latin displodere, from dis- + plaudere to clap, applauddate: 1667 archaic : explode— dis;plo;sion noun


しおさい 潮騒の意味

the sound of the sea [waves]; the roar of the sea



ax;i;om pronunciation: function: noun etymology: latin axioma, from greek axiōma, literally, something worthy, from axioun to think worthy, from axios worth, worthy; akin to greek agein to weigh, drive — more at agentdate: 15th century 1 : a maxim widely accepted on its intrinsic merit2 : a statement accepted as true as the basis for argument or inference : postulate 13 : an established rule or principle or a self-evident truth